RFC Abstracts

RFC4038 - Application Aspects of IPv6 Transition
As IPv6 networks are deployed and the network transition is discussed, one should also consider how to enable IPv6 support in applications running on IPv6 hosts, and the best strategy to develop IP protocol support in applications. This document specifies scenarios and aspects of application transition. It also proposes guidelines on how to develop IP version-independent applications during the transition period. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4037 - Open Pluggable Edge Services (OPES) Callout Protocol (OCP) Core
This document specifies the core of the Open Pluggable Edge Services (OPES) Callout Protocol (OCP). OCP marshals application messages from other communication protocols: An OPES intermediary sends original application messages to a callout server; the callout server sends adapted application messages back to the processor. OCP is designed with typical adaptation tasks in mind (e.g., virus and spam management, language and format translation, message anonymization, or advertisement manipulation). As defined in this document, the OCP Core consists of application-agnostic mechanisms essential for efficient support of typical adaptations. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4036 - Management Information Base for Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) Cable Modem Termination Systems for Subscriber Management
This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it defines a set of managed objects for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-based management of Data-over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS)-compliant Cable Modem Termination Systems. These managed objects facilitate protection of the cable network from misuse by subscribers. The Differentiated Services MIB (RFC 3289) provides the filtering functions needed here, making use of classification items defined in this specification. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4035 - Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security Extensions
This document is part of a family of documents that describe the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). The DNS Security Extensions are a collection of new resource records and protocol modifications that add data origin authentication and data integrity to the DNS. This document describes the DNSSEC protocol modifications. This document defines the concept of a signed zone, along with the requirements for serving and resolving by using DNSSEC. These techniques allow a security-aware resolver to authenticate both DNS resource records and authoritative DNS error indications.
RFC4034 - Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions
This document is part of a family of documents that describe the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). The DNS Security Extensions are a collection of resource records and protocol modifications that provide source authentication for the DNS. This document defines the public key (DNSKEY), delegation signer (DS), resource record digital signature (RRSIG), and authenticated denial of existence (NSEC) resource records. The purpose and format of each resource record is described in detail, and an example of each resource record is given.
RFC4033 - DNS Security Introduction and Requirements
The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) add data origin authentication and data integrity to the Domain Name System. This document introduces these extensions and describes their capabilities and limitations. This document also discusses the services that the DNS security extensions do and do not provide. Last, this document describes the interrelationships between the documents that collectively describe DNSSEC. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4032 - Update to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Preconditions Framework
This document updates RFC 3312, which defines the framework for preconditions in SIP. We provide guidelines for authors of new precondition types and describe how to use SIP preconditions in situations that involve session mobility. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4031 - Service Requirements for Layer 3 Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Networks (PPVPNs)
This document provides requirements for Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks (L3VPNs). It identifies requirements applicable to a number of individual approaches that a Service Provider may use to provision a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service. This document expresses a service provider perspective, based upon past experience with IP-based service offerings and the ever-evolving needs of the customers of such services. Toward this end, it first defines terminology and states general requirements. Detailed requirements are expressed from a customer perspective as well as that of a service provider. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4030 - The Authentication Suboption for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay Agent Option
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay Agent Information Option (RFC 3046) conveys information between a DHCP Relay Agent and a DHCP server. This specification defines an authentication suboption for that option, containing a keyed hash in its payload. The suboption supports data integrity and replay protection for relayed DHCP messages. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4029 - Scenarios and Analysis for Introducing IPv6 into ISP Networks
This document describes different scenarios for the introduction of IPv6 into an ISP's existing IPv4 network without disrupting the IPv4 service. The scenarios for introducing IPv6 are analyzed, and the relevance of already defined transition mechanisms are evaluated. Known challenges are also identified. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4028 - Session Timers in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines an extension to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). This extension allows for a periodic refresh of SIP sessions through a \%re-INVITE or UPDATE request. The refresh allows both user agents and proxies to determine whether the SIP session is still active. The extension defines two new header fields: \%Session-Expires, which conveys the lifetime of the session, and \%Min-SE, which conveys the minimum allowed value for the session timer. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4027 - Domain Name System Media Types
This document registers the media types application/dns and text/dns in accordance with RFC 2048. The application/dns media type is used to identify data on the detached Domain Name System (DNS) format described in RFC 2540. The text/dns media type is used to identify master files as described in RFC 1035. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4026 - Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Network (VPN) Terminology
The widespread interest in provider-provisioned Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions lead to memos proposing different and overlapping solutions. The IETF working groups (first Provider Provisioned VPNs and later Layer 2 VPNs and Layer 3 VPNs) have discussed these proposals and documented specifications. This has lead to the development of a partially new set of concepts used to describe the set of VPN services.
RFC4025 - A Method for Storing IPsec Keying Material in DNS
This document describes a new resource record for the Domain Name System (DNS). This record may be used to store public keys for use in IP security (IPsec) systems. The record also includes provisions for indicating what system should be contacted when an IPsec tunnel is established with the entity in question.
RFC4024 - Voice Messaging Client Behaviour
This document defines the expected behaviour of a client to various aspects of a Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) message or any voice and/or fax message. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4023 - Encapsulating MPLS in IP or Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
Various applications of MPLS make use of label stacks with multiple entries. In some cases, it is possible to replace the top label of the stack with an IP-based encapsulation, thereby enabling the application to run over networks that do not have MPLS enabled in their core routers. This document specifies two IP-based encapsulations: MPLS-in-IP and MPLS-in-GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation). Each of these is applicable in some circumstances. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4022 - Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects used for implementations of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in an IP version independent manner. This memo obsoletes RFCs 2452 and 2012. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4021 - Registration of Mail and MIME Header Fields
This document defines the initial IANA registration for permanent mail and MIME message header fields, per RFC 3864. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4020 - Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code Points
This memo discusses earlier allocation of code points by IANA as a remedy to the problem created by the "Standards Action" IANA policy for protocols for which, by the IETF process, implementation and deployment experience is desired or required prior to publication. This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
RFC4019 - RObust Header Compression (ROHC): Profiles for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Lite
This document defines Robust Header Compression (ROHC) profiles for compression of Real-Time Transport Protocol, User Datagram Protocol-Lite, and Internet Protocol (RTP/UDP-Lite/IP) packets and UDP-Lite/IP. These profiles are defined based on their differences with the profiles for UDP as specified in RFC 3095. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4018 - Finding Internet Small Computer Systems Interface (iSCSI) Targets and Name Servers by Using Service Location Protocol version 2 (SLPv2)
The iSCSI protocol provides a way for hosts to access SCSI devices over an IP network. This document defines the use of the Service Location Protocol (SLP) by iSCSI hosts, devices, and management services, along with the SLP service type templates that describe the services they provide. [PROPOSED STANDARD]
RFC4017 - Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Method Requirements for Wireless LANs
The IEEE 802.11i MAC Security Enhancements Amendment makes use of IEEE 802.1X, which in turn relies on the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). This document defines requirements for EAP methods used in IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN deployments. The material in this document has been approved by IEEE 802.11 and is being presented as an IETF RFC for informational purposes. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4016 - Protocol for Carrying Authentication and Network Access (PANA) Threat Analysis and Security Requirements
This document discusses the threats to protocols used to carry authentication for network access. The security requirements arising from these threats will be used as additional input to the Protocol for Carrying Authentication for Network Access (PANA) Working Group for designing the IP based network access authentication protocol. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4015 - The Eifel Response Algorithm for TCP
Based on an appropriate detection algorithm, the Eifel response algorithm provides a way for a TCP sender to respond to a detected spurious timeout. It adapts the retransmission timer to avoid further spurious timeouts and (depending on the detection algorithm) can avoid the often unnecessary go-back-N retransmits that would otherwise be sent. In addition, the Eifel response algorithm restores the congestion control state in such a way that packet bursts are avoided. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4014 - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Attributes Suboption for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay Agent Information Option
The RADIUS Attributes suboption enables a network element to pass identification and authorization attributes received during RADIUS authentication to a DHCP server. When the DHCP server receives a message from a relay agent containing a RADIUS Attributes suboption, it extracts the contents of the suboption and uses that information in selecting configuration parameters for the client. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4013 - SASLprep: Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords
This document describes how to prepare Unicode strings representing user names and passwords for comparison. The document defines the "SASLprep" profile of the "stringprep" algorithm to be used for both user names and passwords. This profile is intended to be used by Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) mechanisms (such as PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, and DIGEST-MD5), as well as other protocols exchanging simple user names and/or passwords. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4012 - Routing Policy Specification Language next generation (RPSLng)
This memo introduces a new set of simple extensions to the Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL), enabling the language to document routing policies for the IPv6 and multicast address families currently used in the Internet. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4011 - Policy Based Management MIB
This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based internets. In particular, this MIB defines objects that enable policy-based monitoring and management of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) infrastructures, a scripting language, and a script execution environment. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4010 - Use of the SEED Encryption Algorithm in Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS)
This document specifies the conventions for using the SEED encryption algorithm for encryption with the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS).
RFC4009 - The SEED Encryption Algorithm
This document describes the SEED encryption algorithm, which has been adopted by most of the security systems in the Republic of Korea. Included are a description of the cipher and the key scheduling algorithm (Section 2), the S-boxes (Appendix A), and a set of test vectors (Appendix B). This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC4008 - Definitions of Managed Objects for Network Address Translators (NAT)
This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for devices implementing Network Address Translator (NAT) function. This MIB module may be used for configuration as well as monitoring of a device capable of NAT function. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4007 - IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture
This document specifies the architectural characteristics, expected behavior, textual representation, and usage of IPv6 addresses of different scopes. According to a decision in the IPv6 working group, this document intentionally avoids the syntax and usage of unicast site-local addresses. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4006 - Diameter Credit-Control Application
This document specifies a Diameter application that can be used to implement real-time credit-control for a variety of end user services such as network access, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) services, messaging services, and download services. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4005 - Diameter Network Access Server Application
This document describes the Diameter protocol application used for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) services in the Network Access Server (NAS) environment. When combined with the Diameter Base protocol, Transport Profile, and Extensible Authentication Protocol specifications, this application specification satisfies typical network access services requirements.
RFC4004 - Diameter Mobile IPv4 Application
This document specifies a Diameter application that allows a Diameter server to authenticate, authorize and collect accounting information for Mobile IPv4 services rendered to a mobile node. Combined with the Inter-Realm capability of the base protocol, this application allows mobile nodes to receive service from foreign service providers. Diameter Accounting messages will be used by the foreign and home agents to transfer usage information to the Diameter servers. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4003 - GMPLS Signaling Procedure for Egress Control
This document clarifies the procedures for the control of the label used on an output/downstream interface of the egress node of a Label Switched Path (LSP). This control is also known as "Egress Control". Support for Egress Control is implicit in Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling. This document clarifies the specification of GMPLS Signaling and does not modify GMPLS signaling mechanisms and procedures. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4002 - IANA Registration for Enumservice 'web' and 'ft'
This document registers the Enumservices 'web' and 'ft' by using the URI schemes 'http:', 'https:' and 'ftp:' as per the IANA registration process defined in the ENUM specification (RFC 3761). [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC4001 - Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses
This MIB module defines textual conventions to represent commonly used Internet network layer addressing information. The intent is that these textual conventions will be imported and used in MIB modules that would otherwise define their own representations. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3998 - Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): Job and Printer Administrative Operations
This document specifies the following 16 additional OPTIONAL system administration operations for use with the Internet Printing Protocol/1.1 (IPP), plus a few associated attributes, values, and status codes, and using the IPP Printer object to manage printer fan-out and fan-in. (Printer operations: Enable-Printer and Disable-Printer, Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job, Hold-New-Jobs and Release-Held-New-Jobs, Deactivate-Printer and Activate-Printer, Restart-Printer, Shutdown-Printer and Startup-Printer. Job operations: Reprocess-Job, Cancel-Current-Job, Suspend-Current-Job, Resume-Job, Promote-Job, Schedule-Job-After.) [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3997 - Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): Requirements for IPP Notifications
This document is one of a set of documents that together describe all aspects of the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). IPP is an application-level protocol that can be used for distributed printing on the Internet. There are multiple parts to IPP, but the primary architectural components are the Model, the Protocol, and an interface to Directory Services. This document provides a statement of the requirements for notifications as an optional part of an IPP Service. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3996 - Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): The 'ippget' Delivery Method for Event Notifications
This document describes an extension to the Internet Printing Protocol1.1: Model and Semantics (RFC 2911, RFC 2910). This document specifies the 'ippget' Pull Delivery Method for use with the "Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): Event Notifications and Subscriptions" specification (RFC 3995). This IPPGET Delivery Method is REQUIRED for all clients and Printers that support RFC 3995. The Notification Recipient, acting as a client, fetches (pulls) Event Notifications by using the Get-Notifications operation defined in this document. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3995 - Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): Event Notifications and Subscriptions
This document describes an OPTIONAL extension to the Internet Printing Protocol/1.1: Model and Semantics (RFC 2911, RFC 2910). This extension allows a client to subscribe to printing related Events. Subscriptions are modeled as Subscription Objects. The Subscription Object specifies that when one of the specified Events occurs, the Printer delivers an asynchronous Event Notification to the specified Notification Recipient via the specified Push or Pull Delivery Method (i.e., protocol).
RFC3994 - Indication of Message Composition for Instant Messaging
In instant messaging (IM) systems, it is useful to know during an IM conversation whether the other party is composing a message; e.g., typing or recording an audio message. This document defines a new status message content type and XML namespace that conveys information about a message being composed. The status message can indicate the composition of a message of any type, including text, voice, or video. The status messages are delivered to the instant messaging recipient in the same manner as the instant messages themselves. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3993 - Subscriber-ID Suboption for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Relay Agent Option
This memo defines a new Subscriber-ID suboption for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol's (DHCP) relay agent information option. The suboption allows a DHCP relay agent to associate a stable "Subscriber-ID" with DHCP client messages in a way that is independent of the client and of the underlying physical network infrastructure. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3992 - Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Lockstep State Reporting Mechanism
A Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) endpoint that has encountered an adverse failure condition (such as being involved in a transient call when a Call Agent failover occurred) could be left in a lockstep state whereby events are quarantined but not notified. The MGCP package described in this document provides a mechanism for reporting these situations so that the new Call Agent can take the necessary fault recovery procedures. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3991 - Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Redirect and Reset Package
The base Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) specification (RFC 3435) allows endpoints to be redirected one endpoint at a time. This document provides extensions in the form of a new MGCP package that provides mechanisms for redirecting and resetting a group of endpoints. It also includes the ability to more accurately redirect endpoints by allowing a list of Call Agents to be specified in a preferred order. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3990 - Configuration and Provisioning for Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) Problem Statement
This document describes the Configuration and Provisioning for Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) problem statement. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3989 - Middlebox Communications (MIDCOM) Protocol Semantics
This memo specifies semantics for a Middlebox Communication (MIDCOM) protocol to be used by MIDCOM agents for interacting with middleboxes such as firewalls and Network Address Translators (NATs). The semantics discussion does not include any specification of a concrete syntax or a transport protocol. However, a concrete protocol is expected to implement the specified semantics or, more likely, a superset of it. The MIDCOM protocol semantics is derived from the MIDCOM requirements, from the MIDCOM framework, and from working group decisions. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3988 - Maximum Transmission Unit Signalling Extensions for the Label Distribution Protocol
Proper functioning of RFC 1191 path Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) discovery requires that IP routers have knowledge of the MTU for each link to which they are connected. As currently specified, the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) does not have the ability to signal the MTU for a Label Switched Path (LSP) to the ingress Label Switching Router (LSR). In the absence of this functionality, the MTU for each LSP must be statically configured by network operators or by equivalent off-line mechanisms. This document specifies experimental extensions to LDP in support of LSP MTU discovery. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.
RFC3987 - Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)
This document defines a new protocol element, the Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI), as a complement of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). An IRI is a sequence of characters from the Universal Character Set (Unicode/ISO 10646). A mapping from IRIs to URIs is defined, which means that IRIs can be used instead of URIs, where appropriate, to identify resources.