RFC Abstracts

RFC3072 - Structured Data Exchange Format (SDXF)
This specification describes an all-purpose interchange format for use as a file format or for net-working. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3071 - Reflections on the DNS, RFC 1591, and Categories of Domains
This document is being published primarily for historical context and comparative purposes, essentially to document some thoughts about how 1591 might have been interpreted and adjusted by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and ICANN to better reflect today's world while retaining characteristics and policies that have proven to be effective in supporting Internet growth and stability. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3070 - Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) over Frame Relay
This document describes how L2TP is implemented over Frame Relay Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) and Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs). [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3069 - VLAN Aggregation for Efficient IP Address Allocation
This document introduces the concept of Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) aggregation as it relates to IPv4 address allocation. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3068 - An Anycast Prefix for 6to4 Relay Routers
This memo introduces a "6to4 anycast address" in order to simplify the configuration of 6to4 routers. It also defines how this address will be used by 6to4 relay routers, how the corresponding "6to4 anycast prefix" will be advertised in the IGP and in the EGP. The memo documents the reservation by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) of the "6to4 relay anycast prefix." [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3067 - TERENA'S Incident Object Description and Exchange Format Requirements
The purpose of the Incident Object Description and Exchange Format is to define a common data format for the description, archiving and exchange of information about incidents between CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams) (including alert, incident in investigation, archiving, statistics, reporting, etc.). This document describes the high-level requirements for such a description and exchange format, including the reasons for those requirements. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3066 - Tags for the Identification of Languages
This document describes a language tag for use in cases where it is desired to indicate the language used in an information object, how to register values for use in this language tag, and a construct for matching such language tags. This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.
RFC3065 - Autonomous System Confederations for BGP
This document describes an extension to BGP which may be used to create a confederation of autonomous systems that is represented as a single autonomous system to BGP peers external to the confederation, thereby removing the "full mesh" requirement. The intention of this extension is to aid in policy administration and reduce the management complexity of maintaining a large autonomous system. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3064 - MGCP CAS Packages
This document contains a collection of media gateway Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) packages for R1 CAS, North American CAS, CAS PBX interconnect as well as basic FXO support. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3063 - MPLS Loop Prevention Mechanism
This paper presents a simple mechanism, based on "threads", which can be used to prevent Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) from setting up label switched path (LSPs) which have loops. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.
RFC3062 - LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation
This document describes an LDAP extended operation to allow modification of user passwords which is not dependent upon the form of the authentication identity nor the password storage mechanism used. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3061 - A URN Namespace of Object Identifiers
This document describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace that contains Object Identifiers (OIDs). This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3060 - Policy Core Information Model -- Version 1 Specification
This document presents the object-oriented information model for representing policy information developed jointly in the IETF Policy Framework WG and as extensions to the Common Information Model (CIM) activity in the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3059 - Attribute List Extension for the Service Location Protocol
This document specifies a SLPv2 extension which allows a User Agent (UA) to request a service's attributes be included as an extension to Service Reply messages. This will eliminate the need for multiple round trip messages for a UA to acquire all service information. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3058 - Use of the IDEA Encryption Algorithm in CMS
This memo specifies how to incorporate International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) into CMS or S/MIME as an additional strong algorithm for symmetric encryption. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3057 - ISDN Q.921-User Adaptation Layer
This document defines a protocol for backhauling of ISDN Q.921 User messages over IP using the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). This protocol would be used between a Signaling Gateway (SG) and Media Gateway Controller (MGC). [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3056 - Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds
This memo specifies an optional interim mechanism for IPv6 sites to communicate with each other over the IPv4 network without explicit tunnel setup, and for them to communicate with native IPv6 domains via relay routers. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3055 - Management Information Base for the PINT Services Architecture
This memo describes a proposed Management Information Base (MIB) for the PSTN/Internet Interworking (PINT) Services Architecture. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3054 - Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway Application Profile
This document specifies a particular application of the Megaco/H.248 Protocol for control of Internet telephones and similar appliances: the Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3053 - IPv6 Tunnel Broker
The motivation for the development of the tunnel broker model is to help early IPv6 adopters to hook up to an existing IPv6 network (e.g., the 6bone) and to get stable, permanent IPv6 addresses and DNS names. The concept of the tunnel broker was first presented at Orlando's IETF in December 1998. Two implementations were demonstrated during the Grenoble IPng & NGtrans interim meeting in February 1999. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3052 - Service Management Architectures Issues and Review
The purpose of this document is to explore the problems of defining a Service management framework and to examine some of the issues that still need to be resolved. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3051 - IP Payload Compression Using ITU-T V.44 Packet Method
This document describes a compression method based on the data compression algorithm described in International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) Recommendation V.44. This document defines the application of V.44 Packet Method to the Internet Protocol (IP) Payload Compression Protocol (RFC 2393). This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3050 - Common Gateway Interface for SIP
This document defines a SIP CGI interface for providing SIP services on a SIP server. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3049 - TN3270E Service Location and Session Balancing
This document discusses the implementation of Service Location Protocol (SLP) and session balancing with a TN3270E emulator in a client server implementation with a TN3270E server. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3048 - Reliable Multicast Transport Building Blocks for One-to-Many Bulk-Data Transfer
This document describes a framework for the standardization of bulk-data reliable multicast transport. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3047 - RTP Payload Format for ITU-T Recommendation G.722.1
This document describes the payload format for including G.722.1 generated bit streams within an RTP packet. Also included here are the necessary details for the use of G.722.1 with MIME and SDP. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3046 - DHCP Relay Agent Information Option
Newer high-speed public Internet access technologies call for a high- speed modem to have a local area network (LAN) attachment to one or more customer premise hosts. It is advantageous to use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) as defined in RFC 2131 to assign customer premise host IP addresses in this environment. However, a number of security and scaling problems arise with such "public" DHCP use. This document describes a new DHCP option to address these issues. This option extends the set of DHCP options as defined in RFC 2132. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3045 - Storing Vendor Information in the LDAP root DSE
This document specifies two Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) attributes, vendorName and vendorVersion that MAY be included in the root DSA-specific Entry (DSE) to advertise vendor-specific information. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3044 - Using The ISSN (International Serial Standard Number) as URN (Uniform Resource Names) within an ISSN-URN Namespace
This document presents how the ISSN - International Standard Serial Number - which is a persistent number for unique identification of serials widely recognised and used in the bibliographic world, can be supported within the Uniform Resource Name (URN) framework as a specific URN namespace identifier. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3043 - The Network Solutions Personal Internet Name (PIN): A URN Namespace for People and Organizations
This document describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace that is engineered by Network Solutions, Inc. for naming people and organizations. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3042 - Enhancing TCP's Loss Recovery Using Limited Transmit
This document proposes a new Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) mechanism that can be used to more effectively recover lost segments when a connection's congestion window is small, or when a large number of segments are lost in a single transmission window. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3041 - Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration in IPv6
This document describes an extension to IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration for interfaces whose interface identifier is derived from an IEEE identifier. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3040 - Internet Web Replication and Caching Taxonomy
This memo specifies standard terminology and the taxonomy of web replication and caching infrastructure as deployed today. It introduces standard concepts, and protocols used today within this application domain. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3039 - Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Qualified Certificates Profile
This document forms a certificate profile for Qualified Certificates, based on RFC 2459, for use in the Internet. The goal of this document is to define a general syntax independent of local legal requirements. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3038 - VCID Notification over ATM link for LDP
This document specifies the procedures for the communication of VCID values between neighboring ATM-LSRs that must occur in order to ensure this property. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3037 - LDP Applicability
A fundamental concept in MPLS is that two Label Switching Routers (LSRs) must agree on the meaning of the labels used to forward traffic between and through them. This common understanding is achieved by using a set of procedures, called a label distribution protocol, by which one LSR informs another of label bindings it has made. This document describes the applicability of a set of such procedures called LDP (for Label Distribution Protocol) by which LSRs distribute labels to support MPLS forwarding along normally routed paths. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3036 - LDP Specification
A fundamental concept in MPLS is that two Label Switching Routers (LSRs) must agree on the meaning of the labels used to forward traffic between and through them. This common understanding is achieved by using a set of procedures, called a label distribution protocol, by which one LSR informs another of label bindings it has made. This document defines a set of such procedures called LDP (for Label Distribution Protocol) by which LSRs distribute labels to support MPLS forwarding along normally routed paths. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3035 - MPLS using LDP and ATM VC Switching
This document extends and clarifies the relevant portions of RFC 3031 and RFC 3036 by specifying in more detail the procedures which to be used when distributing labels to or from ATM-LSRs, when those labels represent Forwarding Equivalence Classes (FECs, see RFC 3031) for which the routes are determined on a hop-by-hop basis by network layer routing algorithms. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3034 - Use of Label Switching on Frame Relay Networks Specification
This document defines the model and generic mechanisms for Multiprotocol Label Switching on Frame Relay networks. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3033 - The Assignment of the Information Field and Protocol Identifier in the Q.2941 Generic Identifier and Q.2957 User-to-user Signaling for the Internet Protocol
The purpose of this document is to specify the assignment of the information field and protocol identifier in the Q.2941 Generic Identifier and Q.2957 User-to-user Signaling for the Internet protocol. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3032 - MPLS Label Stack Encoding
This document specifies the encoding to be used by an LSR in order to transmit labeled packets on Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) data links, on LAN data links, and possibly on other data links as well. This document also specifies rules and procedures for processing the various fields of the label stack encoding. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3031 - Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture
This document specifies the architecture for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3030 - SMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and Binary MIME Messages
This memo defines two extensions to the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3029 - Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Data Validation and Certification Server Protocols
This document describes a general Data Validation and Certification Server (DVCS) and the protocols to be used when communicating with it. This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet community.
RFC3028 - Sieve: A Mail Filtering Language
This document describes a language for filtering e-mail messages at time of final delivery. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3027 - Protocol Complications with the IP Network Address Translator
The purpose of this document is to identify the protocols and applications that break with NAT enroute. The document also attempts to identify any known workarounds. This document attempts to capture as much information as possible, but is by no means a comprehensive coverage. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3026 - Liaison to IETF/ISOC on ENUM
Working Party 1/2, of the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) held a meeting of its collaborators in Berlin Germany 19-26 October 2000. This liaison from WP1/2 to the IETF/ISOC conveys the understandings of the WP1/2 collaborators resulting from the discussions. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
RFC3025 - Mobile IP Vendor/Organization-Specific Extensions
This document defines two new extensions to Mobile IP. These extensions will facilitate equipment vendors and organizations to make specific use of these extensions as they see fit for research or deployment purposes. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3024 - Reverse Tunneling for Mobile IP, revised
This document proposes backwards-compatible extensions to Mobile IP to support topologically correct reverse tunnels. This document does not attempt to solve the problems posed by firewalls located between the home agent and the mobile node's care-of address. [STANDARDS-TRACK]
RFC3023 - XML Media Types
This document standardizes five new media types -- text/xml, application/xml, text/xml-external-parsed-entity, application/xml- external-parsed-entity, and application/xml-dtd -- for use in exchanging network entities that are related to the Extensible Markup Language (XML). This document also standardizes a convention (using the suffix '+xml') for naming media types outside of these five types when those media types represent XML MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) entities. [STANDARDS-TRACK]