RFC Abstracts

RFC7929 - DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) Bindings for OpenPGP
OpenPGP is a message format for email (and file) encryption that lacks a standardized lookup mechanism to securely obtain OpenPGP public keys. DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) is a method for publishing public keys in DNS. This document specifies a DANE method for publishing and locating OpenPGP public keys in DNS for a specific email address using a new OPENPGPKEY DNS resource record. Security is provided via Secure DNS, however the OPENPGPKEY record is not a replacement for verification of authenticity via the "web of trust" or manual verification. The OPENPGPKEY record can be used to encrypt an email that would otherwise have to be sent unencrypted.
RFC7928 - Characterization Guidelines for Active Queue Management (AQM)
Unmanaged large buffers in today's networks have given rise to a slew of performance issues. These performance issues can be addressed by some form of Active Queue Management (AQM) mechanism, optionally in combination with a packet-scheduling scheme such as fair queuing. This document describes various criteria for performing characterizations of AQM schemes that can be used in lab testing during development, prior to deployment.
RFC7927 - Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Research Challenges
This memo describes research challenges for Information-Centric Networking (ICN), an approach to evolve the Internet infrastructure to directly support information distribution by introducing uniquely named data as a core Internet principle. Data becomes independent from location, application, storage, and means of transportation, enabling or enhancing a number of desirable features, such as security, user mobility, multicast, and in-network caching. Mechanisms for realizing these benefits is the subject of ongoing research in the IRTF and elsewhere. This document describes current research challenges in ICN, including naming, security, routing, system scalability, mobility management, wireless networking, transport services, in-network caching, and network management.
RFC7926 - Problem Statement and Architecture for Information Exchange between Interconnected Traffic-Engineered Networks
In Traffic-Engineered (TE) systems, it is sometimes desirable to establish an end-to-end TE path with a set of constraints (such as bandwidth) across one or more networks from a source to a destination. TE information is the data relating to nodes and TE links that is used in the process of selecting a TE path. TE information is usually only available within a network. We call such a zone of visibility of TE information a domain. An example of a domain may be an IGP area or an Autonomous System.
RFC7925 - Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Profiles for the Internet of Things
A common design pattern in Internet of Things (IoT) deployments is the use of a constrained device that collects data via sensors or controls actuators for use in home automation, industrial control systems, smart cities, and other IoT deployments.
RFC7924 - Transport Layer Security (TLS) Cached Information Extension
Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshakes often include fairly static information, such as the server certificate and a list of trusted certification authorities (CAs). This information can be of considerable size, particularly if the server certificate is bundled with a complete certificate chain (i.e., the certificates of intermediate CAs up to the root CA).
RFC7923 - Requirements for Subscription to YANG Datastores
This document provides requirements for a service that allows client applications to subscribe to updates of a YANG datastore. Based on criteria negotiated as part of a subscription, updates will be pushed to targeted recipients. Such a capability eliminates the need for periodic polling of YANG datastores by applications and fills a functional gap in existing YANG transports (i.e., Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) and RESTCONF). Such a service can be summarized as a "pub/sub" service for YANG datastore updates. Beyond a set of basic requirements for the service, various refinements are addressed. These refinements include: periodicity of object updates, filtering out of objects underneath a requested a subtree, and delivery QoS guarantees.
RFC7922 - Interface to the Routing System (I2RS) Traceability: Framework and Information Model
This document describes a framework for traceability in the Interface to the Routing System (I2RS) and the information model for that framework. It specifies the motivation, requirements, and use cases, and defines an information model for recording interactions between elements implementing the I2RS protocol. This framework provides a consistent tracing interface for components implementing the I2RS architecture to record what was done, by which component, and when. It aims to improve the management of I2RS implementations, and can be used for troubleshooting, auditing, forensics, and accounting purposes.
RFC7921 - An Architecture for the Interface to the Routing System
This document describes the IETF architecture for a standard, programmatic interface for state transfer in and out of the Internet routing system. It describes the high-level architecture, the building blocks of this high-level architecture, and their interfaces, with particular focus on those to be standardized as part of the Interface to the Routing System (I2RS).
RFC7920 - Problem Statement for the Interface to the Routing System
Traditionally, routing systems have implemented routing and signaling (e.g., MPLS) to control traffic forwarding in a network. Route computation has been controlled by relatively static policies that define link cost, route cost, or import and export routing policies. Requirements have emerged to more dynamically manage and program routing systems due to the advent of highly dynamic data-center networking, on-demand WAN services, dynamic policy-driven traffic steering and service chaining, the need for real-time security threat responsiveness via traffic control, and a paradigm of separating policy-based decision-making from the router itself. These requirements should allow controlling routing information and traffic paths and extracting network topology information, traffic statistics, and other network analytics from routing systems.
RFC7919 - Negotiated Finite Field Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Parameters for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Traditional finite-field-based Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange during the Transport Layer Security (TLS) handshake suffers from a number of security, interoperability, and efficiency shortcomings. These shortcomings arise from lack of clarity about which DH group parameters TLS servers should offer and clients should accept. This document offers a solution to these shortcomings for compatible peers by using a section of the TLS "Supported Groups Registry" (renamed from "EC Named Curve Registry" by this document) to establish common finite field DH parameters with known structure and a mechanism for peers to negotiate support for these groups.
RFC7918 - Transport Layer Security (TLS) False Start
This document specifies an optional behavior of Transport Layer Security (TLS) client implementations, dubbed "False Start". It affects only protocol timing, not on-the-wire protocol data, and can be implemented unilaterally. A TLS False Start reduces handshake latency to one round trip.
RFC7917 - Advertising Node Administrative Tags in IS-IS
This document describes an extension to the IS-IS routing protocol to advertise node administrative tags. This optional capability allows tagging and grouping of the nodes in an IS-IS domain. The node administrative tags can be used to express and apply locally defined network policies, thereby providing a very useful operational capability. Node administrative tags may be used by either IS-IS itself or other applications consuming information propagated via IS-IS.
RFC7916 - Operational Management of Loop-Free Alternates
Loop-Free Alternates (LFAs), as defined in RFC 5286, constitute an IP Fast Reroute (IP FRR) mechanism enabling traffic protection for IP traffic (and, by extension, MPLS LDP traffic). Following early deployment experiences, this document provides operational feedback on LFAs, highlights some limitations, and proposes a set of refinements to address those limitations. It also proposes required management specifications.
RFC7915 - IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm
This document describes the Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm (SIIT), which translates between IPv4 and IPv6 packet headers (including ICMP headers). This document obsoletes RFC 6145.
RFC7914 - The scrypt Password-Based Key Derivation Function
This document specifies the password-based key derivation function scrypt. The function derives one or more secret keys from a secret string. It is based on memory-hard functions, which offer added protection against attacks using custom hardware. The document also provides an ASN.1 schema.
RFC7913 - P-Access-Network-Info ABNF Update
This document updates RFC 7315, by modifying the extension-access- info part of the P-Access-Network-Info header field Augmented Backus- Naur Form (ABNF), and by adding the following 'access-info' header field parameter values to the list of 'access-info' header field parameter values in the ABNF: 'operator-specific-GI' and 'utran-sai-3gpp'. The values are defined in the ABNF but are not included in the list.
RFC7912 - Message Authorizing Email Header Field and Its Use for the Draft and Release Procedure
This document describes a procedure for when a Military Message Handling System (MMHS) message is composed by one user and is only released to the mail transfer system when one or more Authorizing Users authorize release of the message by adding the MMHS-Authorizing-Users header field. The resulting message can be optionally signed by the sender and/or reviewer, allowing recipients to verify both the original signature (if any) and the review signatures.
RFC7911 - Advertisement of Multiple Paths in BGP
This document defines a BGP extension that allows the advertisement of multiple paths for the same address prefix without the new paths implicitly replacing any previous ones. The essence of the extension is that each path is identified by a Path Identifier in addition to the address prefix.
RFC7910 - Interoperability between the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol and PIM
This document introduces VRRP-aware PIM, a redundancy mechanism for the Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) to interoperate with the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP). It allows PIM to track VRRP state and to preserve multicast traffic upon failover in a redundant network with virtual routing groups enabled. The mechanism described in this document is based on Cisco IOS software implementation.
RFC7909 - Securing Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) Objects with Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Signatures
This document describes a method that allows parties to electronically sign Routing Policy Specification Language objects and validate such electronic signatures. This allows relying parties to detect accidental or malicious modifications of such objects. It also allows parties who run Internet Routing Registries or similar databases, but do not yet have authentication (based on Routing Policy System Security) of the maintainers of certain objects, to verify that the additions or modifications of such database objects are done by the legitimate holder(s) of the Internet resources mentioned in those objects. This document updates RFCs 2622 and 4012 to add the signature attribute to supported RPSL objects.
RFC7908 - Problem Definition and Classification of BGP Route Leaks
A systemic vulnerability of the Border Gateway Protocol routing system, known as "route leaks", has received significant attention in recent years. Frequent incidents that result in significant disruptions to Internet routing are labeled route leaks, but to date a common definition of the term has been lacking. This document provides a working definition of route leaks while keeping in mind the real occurrences that have received significant attention. Further, this document attempts to enumerate (though not exhaustively) different types of route leaks based on observed events on the Internet. The aim is to provide a taxonomy that covers several forms of route leaks that have been observed and are of concern to the Internet user community as well as the network operator community.
RFC7906 - NSA's Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Key Management Attributes
This document defines key management attributes used by the National Security Agency (NSA). The attributes can appear in asymmetric and/or symmetric key packages as well as the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) content types that subsequently envelope the key packages. Key packages described in RFCs 5958 and 6031 are examples of where these attributes can be used.
RFC7905 - ChaCha20-Poly1305 Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS)
This document describes the use of the ChaCha stream cipher and Poly1305 authenticator in the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocols.
RFC7904 - A SIP Usage for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD)
This document defines a SIP Usage for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD). The SIP Usage provides the functionality of a SIP proxy or registrar in a fully distributed system and includes a lookup service for Address of Records (AORs) stored in the overlay. It also defines Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs) that allow the registrations to map an AOR to a specific node reachable through the overlay. After such initial contact of a Peer, the RELOAD AppAttach method is used to establish a direct connection between nodes through which SIP messages are exchanged.
RFC7903 - Windows Image Media Types
This document registers media types for certain image formats promulgated in Microsoft Windows, namely image/wmf, image/x-wmf, image/emf, image/x-emf, and image/bmp for use with Windows Metafile, Enhanced Metafile, and Windows Bitmap formats. Originally designed for Microsoft Windows 2.0 and 3.0, these image files are intended to be portable between applications and devices, and they may contain both vector and raster graphics.
RFC7902 - Registry and Extensions for P-Multicast Service Interface Tunnel Attribute Flags
The BGP-based control procedures for Multicast Virtual Private Networks (MVPNs) make use of a BGP attribute known as the "P-Multicast Service Interface (PMSI) Tunnel" attribute. The attribute contains a one-octet "Flags" field. The purpose of this document is to establish an IANA registry for the assignment of the bits in this field. Since the "Flags" field contains only eight bits, this document also defines a new BGP Extended Community, "Additional PMSI Tunnel Attribute Flags", that can be used to carry additional flags for the "P-Multicast Service Interface (PMSI) Tunnel" attribute. This document updates RFC 6514.
RFC7901 - CHAIN Query Requests in DNS
This document defines an EDNS0 extension that can be used by a security-aware validating resolver configured to use a forwarding resolver to send a single query, requesting a complete validation path along with the regular query answer. The reduction in queries potentially lowers the latency and reduces the need to send multiple queries at once. This extension mandates the use of source-IP- verified transport such as TCP or UDP with EDNS-COOKIE, so it cannot be abused in amplification attacks.
RFC7900 - Extranet Multicast in BGP/IP MPLS VPNs
Previous RFCs specify the procedures necessary to allow IP multicast traffic to travel from one site to another within a BGP/MPLS IP VPN (Virtual Private Network). However, it is sometimes desirable to allow multicast traffic whose source is in one VPN to be received by systems that are in another VPN. This is known as a "Multicast VPN (MVPN) extranet". This document updates RFCs 6513, 6514, and 6625 by specifying the procedures that are necessary in order to provide extranet MVPN service.
RFC7899 - Multicast VPN State Damping
This document describes procedures to damp Multicast VPN (MVPN) routing state changes and control the effect of the churn due to the multicast dynamicity in customer sites. The procedures described in this document are applicable to BGP-based multicast VPN and help avoid uncontrolled control-plane load increase in the core routing infrastructure. The new procedures proposed were inspired by BGP unicast route damping principles that have been adapted to multicast.
RFC7898 - Domain Subobjects for Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE)
The Resource Reservation Protocol - Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) specification and the Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS) extensions to RSVP-TE allow abstract nodes and resources to be explicitly included in a path setup. Further, Exclude Route extensions to RSVP-TE allow abstract nodes and resources to be explicitly excluded in a path setup.
RFC7897 - Domain Subobjects for the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP)
The ability to compute shortest constrained Traffic Engineering Label Switched Paths (TE LSPs) in Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) networks across multiple domains has been identified as a key requirement. In this context, a domain is a collection of network elements within a common sphere of address management or path computational responsibility such as an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) area or an Autonomous System (AS). This document specifies a representation and encoding of a domain sequence, which is defined as an ordered sequence of domains traversed to reach the destination domain to be used by Path Computation Elements (PCEs) to compute inter-domain constrained shortest paths across a predetermined sequence of domains. This document also defines new subobjects to be used to encode domain identifiers.
RFC7896 - Update to the Include Route Object (IRO) Specification in the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP)
The Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) enables communications between a Path Computation Client (PCC) and a PCE, or between two PCEs. RFC 5440 defines the Include Route Object (IRO) to specify network elements to be traversed in the computed path. The specification does not specify if the IRO contains an ordered or unordered list of subobjects. During recent discussions, it was determined that there was a need to define a standard representation to ensure interoperability. It was also noted that there is a benefit in the handling of an attribute of the IRO's subobject, the L bit.
RFC7895 - YANG Module Library
This document describes a YANG library that provides information about all the YANG modules used by a network management server (e.g., a Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) server). Simple caching mechanisms are provided to allow clients to minimize retrieval of this information.
RFC7894 - Alternative Challenge Password Attributes for Enrollment over Secure Transport
This document defines a set of new Certificate Signing Request attributes for use with the Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) protocol. These attributes provide disambiguation of the existing overloaded uses for the challengePassword attribute defined in "PKCS #9: Selected Object Classes and Attribute Types Version 2.0" (RFC 2985). Uses include the original certificate revocation password, common authentication password uses, and EST-defined linking of transport security identity.
RFC7893 - Pseudowire Congestion Considerations
Pseudowires (PWs) have become a common mechanism for tunneling traffic and may be found in unmanaged scenarios competing for network resources both with other PWs and with non-PW traffic, such as TCP/IP flows. Thus, it is worthwhile specifying under what conditions such competition is acceptable, i.e., the PW traffic does not significantly harm other traffic or contribute more than it should to congestion. We conclude that PWs transporting responsive traffic behave as desired without the need for additional mechanisms. For inelastic PWs (such as Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) PWs), we derive a bound under which such PWs consume no more network capacity than a TCP flow. For TDM PWs, we find that the level of congestion at which the PW can no longer deliver acceptable TDM service is never significantly greater, and is typically much lower, than this bound. Therefore, as long as the PW is shut down when it can no longer deliver acceptable TDM service, it will never do significantly more harm than even a single TCP flow. If the TDM service does not automatically shut down, a mechanism to block persistently unacceptable TDM pseudowires is required.
RFC7892 - IANA Allocation Procedures for the GMPLS OTN Signal Type Registry
IANA defined the "OTN Signal Type" subregistry of the "Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Signaling Parameters" registry in RFC 7139. This document updates the "OTN Signal Type" subregistry to allow registration via Specification Required.
RFC7891 - Explicit Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) Vector
The PIM Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) Vector TLV defined in RFC 5496 can be included in a PIM Join Attribute such that the RPF neighbor is selected based on the unicast reachability of the RPF Vector instead of the source or Rendezvous Point associated with the multicast tree.
RFC7890 - Concepts and Terminology for Peer-to-Peer SIP (P2PSIP)
This document defines concepts and terminology for using the Session Initiation Protocol in a peer-to-peer environment where the traditional proxy-registrar and message-routing functions are replaced by a distributed mechanism. These mechanisms may be implemented using a Distributed Hash Table or other distributed data mechanism with similar external properties. This document includes a high-level view of the functional relationships between the network elements defined herein, a conceptual model of operations, and an outline of the related problems addressed by the P2PSIP working group, the REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) protocol, and the SIP usage document defined by the working group.
RFC7889 - The IMAP APPENDLIMIT Extension
This document defines an extension to the IMAP service whereby a server can inform the client about maximum message upload sizes, allowing the client to avoid sending APPEND commands that will fail because the messages are too large.
RFC7888 - IMAP4 Non-synchronizing Literals
The Internet Message Access Protocol (RFC 3501) contains the "literal" syntactic construct for communicating strings. When sending a literal from client to server, IMAP requires the client to wait for the server to send a command continuation request between sending the octet count and the string data. This document specifies an alternate form of literal that does not require this network round trip.
RFC7887 - Hierarchical Join/Prune Attributes
This document defines a hierarchical method of encoding Join/Prune attributes that provides a more efficient encoding when the same attribute values need to be specified for multiple sources in a PIM Join/Prune message. This document updates RFC 5384 by renaming the encoding type registry specified there.
RFC7886 - Advertising Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Discriminators in the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Version 3 (L2TPv3)
This document defines a new Attribute-Value Pair (AVP) that allows L2TP Control Connection Endpoints (LCCEs) to advertise one or more Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Discriminator values using the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol version 3 (L2TPv3).
RFC7885 - Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) for Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV)
This document defines Seamless BFD (S-BFD) for VCCV by extending the procedures and Connectivity Verification (CV) types already defined for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV).
RFC7884 - OSPF Extensions to Advertise Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Target Discriminators
This document defines a new OSPF Router Information (RI) TLV that allows OSPF routers to flood the Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Discriminator values associated with a target network identifier. This mechanism is applicable to both OSPFv2 and OSPFv3.
RFC7883 - Advertising Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Discriminators in IS-IS
This document defines a means of advertising one or more Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Discriminators using the IS-IS Router CAPABILITY TLV.
RFC7882 - Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) Use Cases
This document describes various use cases for Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) and provides requirements such that protocol mechanisms allow for simplified detection of forwarding failures.
RFC7881 - Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) for IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS
This document defines procedures for using Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD) in IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS environments.
RFC7880 - Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD)
This document defines Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD), a simplified mechanism for using BFD with a large proportion of negotiation aspects eliminated, thus providing benefits such as quick provisioning, as well as improved control and flexibility for network nodes initiating path monitoring.
RFC7879 - DTLS-SRTP Handling in SIP Back-to-Back User Agents
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User Agents (B2BUAs) exist on the signaling and media paths between the endpoints. This document describes the behavior of B2BUAs when Secure Real-time Transport (SRTP) security context is set up with the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol.