RFC Abstracts

RFC7127 - Characterization of Proposed Standards
RFC 2026 describes the review performed by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) on IETF Proposed Standard RFCs and characterizes the maturity level of those documents. This document updates RFC 2026 by providing a current and more accurate characterization of Proposed Standards.
RFC7126 - Recommendations on Filtering of IPv4 Packets Containing IPv4 Options
This document provides advice on the filtering of IPv4 packets based on the IPv4 options they contain. Additionally, it discusses the operational and interoperability implications of dropping packets based on the IP options they contain.
RFC7125 - Revision of the tcpControlBits IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Information Element
This document revises the tcpControlBits IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Information Element as originally defined in RFC 5102 to reflect changes to the TCP Flags header field since RFC 793.
RFC7124 - Ethernet in the First Mile Copper (EFMCu) Interfaces MIB
This document updates RFC 5066. It amends that specification by informing the Internet community about the transition of the EFM-CU-MIB module from the concluded IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB Working Group to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3 working group.
RFC7123 - Security Implications of IPv6 on IPv4 Networks
This document discusses the security implications of native IPv6 support and IPv6 transition/coexistence technologies on "IPv4-only" networks and describes possible mitigations for the aforementioned issues.
RFC7122 - Datagram Convergence Layers for the Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) Bundle Protocol and Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP)
This document specifies the preferred method for transporting Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocol data over the Internet using datagrams. It covers convergence layers for the Bundle Protocol (RFC 5050), as well as the transportation of segments using the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) (RFC 5326). UDP and the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) are the candidate datagram protocols discussed. UDP can only be used on a local network or in cases where the DTN node implements explicit congestion control. DCCP addresses the congestion control problem, and its use is recommended whenever possible. This document is a product of the Delay-Tolerant Networking Research Group (DTNRG) and represents the consensus of the DTNRG.
RFC7121 - High Availability within a Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) Network Element
This document discusses Control Element (CE) High Availability (HA) within a Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) Network Element (NE). Additionally, this document updates RFC 5810 by providing new normative text for the Cold Standby High Availability mechanism.
RFC7120 - Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code Points
This memo describes the process for early allocation of code points by IANA from registries for which "Specification Required", "RFC Required", "IETF Review", or "Standards Action" policies apply. This process can be used to alleviate the problem where code point allocation is needed to facilitate desired or required implementation and deployment experience prior to publication of an RFC, which would normally trigger code point allocation. The procedures in this document are intended to apply only to IETF Stream documents.
RFC7119 - Operation of the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol on IPFIX Mediators
This document specifies the operation of the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) protocol specific to IPFIX Mediators, including Template and Observation Point management, timing considerations, and other Mediator-specific concerns.
RFC7118 - The WebSocket Protocol as a Transport for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The WebSocket protocol enables two-way real-time communication between clients and servers in web-based applications. This document specifies a WebSocket subprotocol as a reliable transport mechanism between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) entities to enable use of SIP in web-oriented deployments.
RFC7117 - Multicast in Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)
RFCs 4761 and 4762 describe a solution for Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) multicast that relies on the use of point-to-point or multipoint-to-point unicast Label Switched Paths (LSPs) for carrying multicast traffic. This solution has certain limitations for certain VPLS multicast traffic profiles. For example, it may result in highly non-optimal bandwidth utilization when a large amount of multicast traffic is to be transported.
RFC7116 - Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP), Compressed Bundle Header Encoding (CBHE), and Bundle Protocol IANA Registries
The DTNRG Research Group has defined the experimental Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) and the Compressed Bundle Header Encoding (CBHE) mechanism for the InterPlanetary Network ('ipn' URI scheme). Moreover, RFC 5050 defines values for the Bundle Protocol administrative record type. All of these fields are subject to a registry. For the purpose of its research work, the group has created ad hoc registries. As the specifications are stable and have multiple interoperable implementations, the group would like to hand off the registries to IANA for official management. This document describes the necessary IANA actions.
RFC7115 - Origin Validation Operation Based on the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)
Deployment of BGP origin validation that is based on the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) has many operational considerations. This document attempts to collect and present those that are most critical. It is expected to evolve as RPKI-based origin validation continues to be deployed and the dynamics are better understood.
RFC7114 - Creation of a Registry for smime-type Parameter Values
Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) defined the Content-Type parameter "smime-type". As the list of defined values for that parameter has increased, it has become clear that a registry is needed to document these values. This document creates the registry, registers the current values, and specifies the policies for registration of new values.
RFC7113 - Implementation Advice for IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard (RA-Guard)
The IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard (RA-Guard) mechanism is commonly employed to mitigate attack vectors based on forged ICMPv6 Router Advertisement messages. Many existing IPv6 deployments rely on RA-Guard as the first line of defense against the aforementioned attack vectors. However, some implementations of RA-Guard have been found to be prone to circumvention by employing IPv6 Extension Headers. This document describes the evasion techniques that affect the aforementioned implementations and formally updates RFC 6105, such that the aforementioned RA-Guard evasion vectors are eliminated.
RFC7112 - Implications of Oversized IPv6 Header Chains
The IPv6 specification allows IPv6 Header Chains of an arbitrary size. The specification also allows options that can, in turn, extend each of the headers. In those scenarios in which the IPv6 Header Chain or options are unusually long and packets are fragmented, or scenarios in which the fragment size is very small, the First Fragment of a packet may fail to include the entire IPv6 Header Chain. This document discusses the interoperability and security problems of such traffic, and updates RFC 2460 such that the First Fragment of a packet is required to contain the entire IPv6 Header Chain.
RFC7111 - URI Fragment Identifiers for the text/csv Media Type
This memo defines URI fragment identifiers for text/csv MIME entities. These fragment identifiers make it possible to refer to parts of a text/csv MIME entity identified by row, column, or cell. Fragment identification can use single items or ranges.
RFC7110 - Return Path Specified Label Switched Path (LSP) Ping
This document defines extensions to the data-plane failure-detection protocol for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label Switched Paths (LSPs) known as "LSP ping". These extensions allow a selection of the LSP to be used for the echo reply return path. Enforcing a specific return path can be used to verify bidirectional connectivity and also increase LSP ping robustness.
RFC7109 - Flow Bindings Initiated by Home Agents for Mobile IPv6
There are scenarios in which the home agent needs to trigger flow binding operations towards the mobile node, such as moving a flow from one access network to another based on network resource availability. In order for the home agent to be able to initiate interactions for flow bindings with the mobile node, this document defines new signaling messages and sub-options for Mobile IPv6. Flow bindings initiated by a home agent are supported for mobile nodes enabled by both IPv4 and IPv6.
RFC7108 - A Summary of Various Mechanisms Deployed at L-Root for the Identification of Anycast Nodes
Anycast is a deployment technique commonly employed for authoritative-only servers in the Domain Name System (DNS). L-Root, one of the thirteen root servers, is deployed in this fashion.
RFC7107 - Object Identifier Registry for the S/MIME Mail Security Working Group
When the S/MIME Mail Security Working Group was chartered, an object identifier arc was donated by RSA Data Security for use by that working group. This document describes the object identifiers that were assigned in that donated arc, transfers control of that arc to IANA, and establishes IANA allocation policies for any future assignments within that arc.
RFC7106 - A Group Text Chat Purpose for Conference and Service URIs in the SIP Event Package for Conference State
This document defines and registers a value of "grouptextchat" ("Group Text Chat") for the URI <purpose> element of SIP's Conference Event Package.
RFC7105 - Using Device-Provided Location-Related Measurements in Location Configuration Protocols
This document describes a protocol for a Device to provide location-related measurement data to a Location Information Server (LIS) within a request for location information. Location-related measurement information provides observations concerning properties related to the position of a Device; this information could be data about network attachment or about the physical environment. A LIS is able to use the location-related measurement data to improve the accuracy of the location estimate it provides to the Device. A basic set of location-related measurements are defined, including common modes of network attachment as well as assisted Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) parameters.
RFC7104 - Duplication Grouping Semantics in the Session Description Protocol
Packet loss is undesirable for real-time multimedia sessions, but it can occur due to congestion or other unplanned network outages. This is especially true for IP multicast networks, where packet loss patterns can vary greatly between receivers. One technique that can be used to recover from packet loss without incurring unbounded delay for all the receivers is to duplicate the packets and send them in separate redundant streams. This document defines the semantics for grouping redundant streams in the Session Description Protocol (SDP). The semantics defined in this document are to be used with the SDP Grouping Framework. Grouping semantics at the Synchronization Source (SSRC) level are also defined in this document for RTP streams using SSRC multiplexing.
RFC7103 - Advice for Safe Handling of Malformed Messages
Although Internet message formats have been precisely defined since the 1970s, authoring and handling software often shows only mild conformance to the specifications. The malformed messages that result are non-standard. Nonetheless, decades of experience have shown that using some tolerance in the handling of the malformations that result is often an acceptable approach and is better than rejecting the messages outright as nonconformant. This document includes a collection of the best advice available regarding a variety of common malformed mail situations; it is to be used as implementation guidance.
RFC7102 - Terms Used in Routing for Low-Power and Lossy Networks
This document provides a glossary of terminology used in routing requirements and solutions for networks referred to as Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). An LLN is typically composed of many embedded devices with limited power, memory, and processing resources interconnected by a variety of links. There is a wide scope of application areas for LLNs, including industrial monitoring, building automation (e.g., heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, access control, fire), connected home, health care, environmental monitoring, urban sensor networks, energy management, assets tracking, and refrigeration.
RFC7101 - List of Internet Official Protocol Standards: Replaced by a Web Page
At one time, the RFC Editor published snapshots of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards". These documents were known as xx00 documents, the last of which was published in May 2008. These snapshots have been replaced by a web page, so the RFC Editor will no longer be publishing these snapshots as RFCs. As a result, the RFC Editor will classify unpublished RFC xx00 numbers through 7000 as never issued. Starting with the RFC number 7100, xx00 numbers will be available for assignment.
RFC7100 - Retirement of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" Summary Document
This document updates RFC 2026 to no longer use STD 1 as a summary of "Internet Official Protocol Standards". It obsoletes RFC 5000 and requests the IESG to move RFC 5000 (and therefore STD 1) to Historic status.
RFC7098 - Using the IPv6 Flow Label for Load Balancing in Server Farms
This document describes how the currently specified IPv6 flow label can be used to enhance layer 3/4 (L3/4) load distribution and balancing for large server farms.
RFC7097 - RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) for RLE of Discarded Packets
The RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) is used in conjunction with the Real- time Transport Protocol (RTP) in order to provide a variety of short- term and long-term reception statistics. The available reporting may include aggregate information across longer periods of time as well as individual packet reporting. This document specifies a per-packet report metric capturing individual packets discarded from the de- jitter buffer after successful reception.
RFC7096 - Evaluation of Existing GMPLS Encoding against G.709v3 Optical Transport Networks (OTNs)
ITU-T recommendation G.709-2012 has introduced new fixed and flexible Optical channel Data Unit (ODU) containers in Optical Transport Networks (OTNs).
RFC7095 - jCard: The JSON Format for vCard
This specification defines "jCard", a JSON format for vCard data. The vCard data format is a text format for representing and exchanging information about individuals and other entities, for example, telephone numbers, email addresses, structured names, and delivery addresses. JSON is a lightweight, text-based, language- independent data interchange format commonly used in Internet applications.
RFC7094 - Architectural Considerations of IP Anycast
This memo discusses architectural implications of IP anycast and provides some historical analysis of anycast use by various IETF protocols.
RFC7093 - Additional Methods for Generating Key Identifiers Values
This document specifies additional example methods for generating Key Identifier values for use in the AKI (Authority Key Identifier) and SKI (Subject Key Identifier) certificate extensions.
RFC7092 - A Taxonomy of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Back-to-Back User Agents
In many SIP deployments, SIP entities exist in the SIP signaling path between the originating and final terminating endpoints, which go beyond the definition of a SIP proxy, performing functions not defined in Standards Track RFCs. The only term for such devices provided in RFC 3261 is for a Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA), which is defined as the logical concatenation of a SIP User Agent Server (UAS) and User Agent Client (UAC).
RFC7091 - GOST R 34.10-2012: Digital Signature Algorithm
This document provides information about the Russian Federal standard for digital signatures (GOST R 34.10-2012), which is one of the Russian cryptographic standard algorithms (called GOST algorithms). Recently, Russian cryptography is being used in Internet applications, and this document provides information for developers and users of GOST R 34.10-2012 regarding digital signature generation and verification. This document updates RFC 5832.
RFC7090 - Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Callback
After an emergency call is completed (terminated either prematurely by the emergency caller or normally by the call taker), the call taker may feel the need for further communication. For example, the call may have been dropped by accident without the call taker having sufficient information about the current state of an accident victim. A call taker may trigger a callback to the emergency caller using the contact information provided with the initial emergency call. This callback could, under certain circumstances, be treated like any other call and, as a consequence, it may get blocked by authorization policies or may get forwarded to an answering machine.
RFC7089 - HTTP Framework for Time-Based Access to Resource States -- Memento
The HTTP-based Memento framework bridges the present and past Web. It facilitates obtaining representations of prior states of a given resource by introducing datetime negotiation and TimeMaps. Datetime negotiation is a variation on content negotiation that leverages the given resource's URI and a user agent's preferred datetime. TimeMaps are lists that enumerate URIs of resources that encapsulate prior states of the given resource. The framework also facilitates recognizing a resource that encapsulates a frozen prior state of another resource.
RFC7088 - Session Initiation Protocol Service Example -- Music on Hold
"Music on hold" is one of the features of telephone systems that is most desired by buyers of business telephone systems. Music on hold means that when one party to a call has the call "on hold", that party's telephone provides an audio stream (often music) to be heard by the other party. Architectural features of SIP make it difficult to implement music on hold in a way that is fully standards-compliant. The implementation of music on hold described in this document is fully effective, is standards-compliant, and has a number of advantages over the methods previously documented. In particular, it is less likely to produce peculiar user interface effects and more likely to work in systems that perform authentication than the music-on-hold method described in Section 2.3 of RFC 5359.
RFC7087 - A Thesaurus for the Interpretation of Terminology Used in MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Internet-Drafts and RFCs in the Context of the ITU-T's Transport Network Recommendations
The MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) is based on a profile of the MPLS and Pseudowire (PW) procedures as specified in the MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLS-TE), PW, and Multi-Segment Pseudowire (MS-PW) architectures developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) has specified a Transport Network architecture.
RFC7086 - Host Identity Protocol-Based Overlay Networking Environment (HIP BONE) Instance Specification for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD)
This document is the HIP-Based Overlay Networking Environment (HIP BONE) instance specification for the REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) protocol. The document provides the details needed to build a RELOAD-based overlay that uses HIP.
RFC7085 - Top-Level Domains That Are Already Dotless
Recent statements from the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Security and Stability Advisory Committee have focused on the problems that the DNS is likely to experience with top-level domains (TLDs) that contain address records (so-called "dotless domains"). In order to help researchers determine the extent of the issues with dotless domains, this document lists the current dotless TLDs and gives a script for finding them. This document lists data about dotless TLDs but does not address the policy and technology issues other than to point to the statements of others.
RFC7084 - Basic Requirements for IPv6 Customer Edge Routers
This document specifies requirements for an IPv6 Customer Edge (CE) router. Specifically, the current version of this document focuses on the basic provisioning of an IPv6 CE router and the provisioning of IPv6 hosts attached to it. The document also covers IP transition technologies. Two transition technologies in RFC 5969's IPv6 Rapid Deployment on IPv4 Infrastructures (6rd) and RFC 6333's Dual-Stack Lite (DS-Lite) are covered in the document. The document obsoletes RFC 6204.
RFC7083 - Modification to Default Values of SOL_MAX_RT and INF_MAX_RT
This document updates RFC 3315 by redefining the default values for SOL_MAX_RT and INF_MAX_RT and defining options through which a DHCPv6 server can override the client's default value for SOL_MAX_RT and INF_MAX_RT with new values.
RFC7082 - Indication of Conference Focus Support for the Centralized Conferencing Manipulation Protocol (CCMP)
The Centralized Conferencing Manipulation Protocol (CCMP) document (RFC 6503) defines a way for a client to discover a conference control server that supports CCMP. However, it does not define a way for a client involved in a conference to determine if the conference focus supports CCMP. This information would allow a CCMP-enabled client that joins a conference using SIP to also register for the Centralized Conferencing (XCON) conference event package and take advantage of CCMP operations on the conference.
RFC7081 - CUSAX: Combined Use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)
This document suggests some strategies for the combined use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) both in user-oriented clients and in deployed servers. Such strategies, which mainly consist of configuration changes and minimal software modifications to existing clients and servers, aim to provide a single, full-featured, real-time communication service by using complementary subsets of features from SIP and from XMPP. Typically, such subsets consist of telephony capabilities from SIP and instant messaging and presence capabilities from XMPP. This document does not define any new protocols or syntax for either SIP or XMPP and, by intent, does not attempt to standardize "best current practices". Instead, it merely aims to provide practical guidance to those who are interested in the combined use of SIP and XMPP for real-time communication.
RFC7080 - Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) Interoperability with Provider Backbone Bridges
The scalability of Hierarchical Virtual Private LAN Service (H-VPLS) with Ethernet access networks (RFC 4762) can be improved by incorporating Provider Backbone Bridge functionality in the VPLS access. Provider Backbone Bridging has been standardized as IEEE 802.1ah-2008. It aims to improve the scalability of Media Access Control (MAC) addresses and service instances in Provider Ethernet networks. This document describes different interoperability scenarios where Provider Backbone Bridge functionality is used in H-VPLS with Ethernet or MPLS access network to attain better scalability in terms of number of customer MAC addresses and number of service instances. The document also describes the scenarios and the mechanisms for incorporating Provider Backbone Bridge functionality within H-VPLS with existing Ethernet access and interoperability among them. Furthermore, the document discusses the migration mechanisms and scenarios by which Provider Backbone Bridge functionality can be incorporated into H-VPLS with existing MPLS access.
RFC7079 - The Pseudowire (PW) and Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV) Implementation Survey Results
The IETF Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) working group has defined many encapsulations of various layer 1 and layer 2 service- specific PDUs and circuit data. In most of these encapsulations, use of the Pseudowire (PW) Control Word is required. However, there are several encapsulations for which the Control Word is optional, and this optionality has been seen in practice to possibly introduce interoperability concerns between multiple implementations of those encapsulations. This survey of the Pseudowire / Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification (VCCV) user community was conducted to determine implementation trends and the possibility of always mandating the Control Word.
RFC7078 - Distributing Address Selection Policy Using DHCPv6
RFC 6724 defines default address selection mechanisms for IPv6 that allow nodes to select an appropriate address when faced with multiple source and/or destination addresses to choose between. RFC 6724 allows for the future definition of methods to administratively configure the address selection policy information. This document defines a new DHCPv6 option for such configuration, allowing a site administrator to distribute address selection policy overriding the default address selection parameters and policy table, and thus allowing the administrator to control the address selection behavior of nodes in their site.
RFC7077 - Update Notifications for Proxy Mobile IPv6
This document specifies protocol enhancements for allowing the local mobility anchor in a Proxy Mobile IPv6 domain to asynchronously notify the mobile access gateway about changes related to a mobility session. These Update Notification messages are exchanged using a new Mobility Header message type specifically designed for this purpose.