RFC Abstracts

RFC7026 - Retiring TLVs from the Associated Channel Header of the MPLS Generic Associated Channel
The MPLS Generic Associated Channel (G-ACh) is a generalization of the applicability of the pseudowire (PW) Associated Channel Header (ACH). RFC 5586 defines the concept of TLV constructs that can be carried in messages on the G-ACh by placing them in the ACH between the fixed header fields and the G-ACh message. These TLVs are called ACH TLVs
RFC7025 - Requirements for GMPLS Applications of PCE
The initial effort of the PCE (Path Computation Element) WG focused mainly on MPLS. As a next step, this document describes functional requirements for GMPLS applications of PCE.
RFC7024 - Virtual Hub-and-Spoke in BGP/MPLS VPNs
With BGP/MPLS Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), providing any-to-any connectivity among sites of a given VPN would require each Provider Edge (PE) router connected to one or more of these sites to hold all the routes of that VPN. The approach described in this document allows the VPN service provider to reduce the number of PE routers that have to maintain all these routes by requiring only a subset of these routers to maintain all these routes.
RFC7023 - MPLS and Ethernet Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Interworking
This document specifies the mapping of defect states between Ethernet Attachment Circuits (ACs) and associated Ethernet pseudowires (PWs) connected in accordance with the Pseudowire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) architecture to realize an end-to-end emulated Ethernet service. It standardizes the behavior of Provider Edges (PEs) with respect to Ethernet PW and AC defects.
RFC7022 - Guidelines for Choosing RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Canonical Names (CNAMEs)
The RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Canonical Name (CNAME) is a persistent transport-level identifier for an RTP endpoint. While the Synchronization Source (SSRC) identifier of an RTP endpoint may change if a collision is detected or when the RTP application is restarted, its RTCP CNAME is meant to stay unchanged, so that RTP endpoints can be uniquely identified and associated with their RTP media streams.
RFC7021 - Assessing the Impact of Carrier-Grade NAT on Network Applications
NAT444 is an IPv4 extension technology being considered by Service Providers as a means to continue offering IPv4 service to customers while transitioning to IPv6. This technology adds an extra Carrier- Grade NAT (CGN) in the Service Provider network, often resulting in two NATs. CableLabs, Time Warner Cable, and Rogers Communications independently tested the impacts of NAT444 on many popular Internet services using a variety of test scenarios, network topologies, and vendor equipment. This document identifies areas where adding a second layer of NAT disrupts the communication channel for common Internet applications. This document was updated to include the Dual-Stack Lite (DS-Lite) impacts also.
RFC7020 - The Internet Numbers Registry System
This document provides information about the current Internet Numbers Registry System used in the distribution of globally unique Internet Protocol (IP) address space and autonomous system (AS) numbers.
RFC7019 - Application-Layer Multicast Extensions to REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD)
We define a REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) Usage for Application-Layer Multicast (ALM) as well as a mapping to the RELOAD experimental message type to support ALM. The ALM Usage is intended to support a variety of ALM control algorithms in an overlay-independent way. Two example algorithms are defined, based on Scribe and P2PCast.
RFC7018 - Auto-Discovery VPN Problem Statement and Requirements
This document describes the problem of enabling a large number of systems to communicate directly using IPsec to protect the traffic between them. It then expands on the requirements for such a solution.
RFC7017 - IMAP Access to IETF Email List Archives
The IETF makes heavy use of email lists to conduct its work. This often involves accessing the archived history of those email lists. Participants would like to have the ability to browse and search those archives using standard IMAP clients. This memo captures the requirements for providing a service that would allow such browsing and searching, and it is intended as input to a later activity for the design and development of such a service.
RFC7016 - Adobe's Secure Real-Time Media Flow Protocol
This memo describes Adobe's Secure Real-Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP), an endpoint-to-endpoint communication protocol designed to securely transport parallel flows of real-time video, audio, and data messages, as well as bulk data, over IP networks. RTMFP has features that make it effective for peer-to-peer (P2P) as well as client-server communications, even when Network Address Translators (NATs) are used.
RFC7015 - Flow Aggregation for the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol
This document provides a common implementation-independent basis for the interoperable application of the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) protocol to the handling of Aggregated Flows, which are IPFIX Flows representing packets from multiple Original Flows sharing some set of common properties. It does this through a detailed terminology and a descriptive Intermediate Aggregation Process architecture, including a specification of methods for Original Flow counting and counter distribution across intervals.
RFC7014 - Flow Selection Techniques
The Intermediate Flow Selection Process is the process of selecting a subset of Flows from all observed Flows. The Intermediate Flow Selection Process may be located at an IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Exporter or Collector, or within an IPFIX Mediator. It reduces the effort of post-processing Flow data and transferring Flow Records. This document describes motivations for using the Intermediate Flow Selection process and presents Intermediate Flow Selection techniques. It provides an information model for configuring Intermediate Flow Selection Process techniques and discusses what information about an Intermediate Flow Selection Process should be exported.
RFC7013 - Guidelines for Authors and Reviewers of IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Information Elements
This document provides guidelines for how to write definitions of new Information Elements for the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) protocol. It provides instructions on using the proper conventions for Information Elements to be registered in the IANA IPFIX Information Element registry, and provides guidelines for expert reviewers to evaluate new registrations.
RFC7012 - Information Model for IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)
This document defines the data types and management policy for the information model for the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) protocol. This information model is maintained as the IANA "IPFIX Information Elements" registry, the initial contents of which were defined by RFC 5102. This information model is used by the IPFIX protocol for encoding measured traffic information and information related to the traffic Observation Point, the traffic Metering Process, and the Exporting Process. Although this model was developed for the IPFIX protocol, it is defined in an open way that allows it to be easily used in other protocols, interfaces, and applications. This document obsoletes RFC 5102.
RFC7011 - Specification of the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Protocol for the Exchange of Flow Information
This document specifies the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) protocol, which serves as a means for transmitting Traffic Flow information over the network. In order to transmit Traffic Flow information from an Exporting Process to a Collecting Process, a common representation of flow data and a standard means of communicating them are required. This document describes how the IPFIX Data and Template Records are carried over a number of transport protocols from an IPFIX Exporting Process to an IPFIX Collecting Process. This document obsoletes RFC 5101.
RFC7010 - IPv6 Site Renumbering Gap Analysis
This document briefly introduces the existing mechanisms that could be utilized for IPv6 site renumbering and tries to cover most of the explicit issues and requirements associated with IPv6 renumbering. The content is mainly a gap analysis that provides a basis for future works to identify and develop solutions or to stimulate such development as appropriate. The gap analysis is organized by the main steps of a renumbering process.
RFC7009 - OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation
This document proposes an additional endpoint for OAuth authorization servers, which allows clients to notify the authorization server that a previously obtained refresh or access token is no longer needed. This allows the authorization server to clean up security credentials. A revocation request will invalidate the actual token and, if applicable, other tokens based on the same authorization grant.
RFC7008 - A Description of the KCipher-2 Encryption Algorithm
This document describes the KCipher-2 encryption algorithm. KCipher-2 is a stream cipher with a 128-bit key and a 128-bit initialization vector. Since the algorithm for KCipher-2 was published in 2007, security and efficiency have been rigorously evaluated through academic and industrial studies. As of the publication of this document, no security vulnerabilities have been found. KCipher-2 offers fast encryption and decryption by means of simple operations that enable efficient implementation. KCipher-2 has been used for industrial applications, especially for mobile health monitoring and diagnostic services in Japan.
RFC7007 - Update to Remove DVI4 from the Recommended Codecs for the RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control (RTP/AVP)
The RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control (RTP/AVP) is the basis for many other profiles, such as the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP/SAVP), the Extended RTP Profile for Real-time Transport Control Protocol (RTCP)-Based Feedback (RTP/AVPF), and the Extended Secure RTP Profile for RTCP-Based Feedback (RTP/SAVPF). This document updates RFC 3551, the RTP/AVP profile (and by extension, the profiles that build upon it), to reflect changes in audio codec usage since that document was originally published.
RFC7006 - Miscellaneous Capabilities Negotiation in the Session Description Protocol (SDP)
The Session Description Protocol (SDP) has been extended with a capability negotiation mechanism framework that allows the endpoints to negotiate transport protocols and attributes. This framework has been extended with a media capabilities negotiation mechanism that allows endpoints to negotiate additional media-related capabilities. This negotiation is embedded into the widely used SDP offer/answer procedures.
RFC7005 - RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for De-Jitter Buffer Metric Reporting
This document defines an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) block that allows the reporting of de-jitter buffer metrics for a range of RTP applications.
RFC7004 - RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Blocks for Summary Statistics Metrics Reporting
This document defines three RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) blocks that allow the reporting of loss, duplication, and discard summary statistics metrics in a range of RTP applications.
RFC7003 - RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for Burst/Gap Discard Metric Reporting
This document defines an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) block that allows the reporting of burst and gap discard metrics for use in a range of RTP applications.
RFC7002 - RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for Discard Count Metric Reporting
This document defines an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) block that allows the reporting of a simple discard count metric for use in a range of RTP applications.
RFC7001 - Message Header Field for Indicating Message Authentication Status
This document specifies a message header field called Authentication- Results for use with electronic mail messages to indicate the results of message authentication efforts. Any receiver-side software, such as mail filters or Mail User Agents (MUAs), can use this header field to relay that information in a convenient and meaningful way to users or to make sorting and filtering decisions.
RFC6998 - A Mechanism to Measure the Routing Metrics along a Point-to-Point Route in a Low-Power and Lossy Network
This document specifies a mechanism that enables a Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) router to measure the aggregated values of given routing metrics along an existing route towards another RPL router, thereby allowing the router to decide if it wants to initiate the discovery of a better route.
RFC6997 - Reactive Discovery of Point-to-Point Routes in Low-Power and Lossy Networks
This document specifies a point-to-point route discovery mechanism, complementary to the Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) core functionality. This mechanism allows an IPv6 router to discover "on demand" routes to one or more IPv6 routers in a Low-power and Lossy Network (LLN) such that the discovered routes meet specified metrics constraints.
RFC6996 - Autonomous System (AS) Reservation for Private Use
This document describes the reservation of Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) that are for Private Use only, known as Private Use ASNs, and provides operational guidance on their use. This document enlarges the total space available for Private Use ASNs by documenting the reservation of a second, larger range and updates RFC 1930 by replacing Section 10 of that document.
RFC6994 - Shared Use of Experimental TCP Options
This document describes how the experimental TCP option codepoints can concurrently support multiple TCP extensions, even within the same connection, using a new IANA TCP experiment identifier. This approach is robust to experiments that are not registered and to those that do not use this sharing mechanism. It is recommended for all new TCP options that use these codepoints.
RFC6993 - Instant Messaging and Presence Purpose for the Call-Info Header Field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines and registers a value of "impp" ("instant messaging and presence protocol") for the "purpose" header field parameter of the Call-Info header field in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
RFC6992 - Routing for IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Packets
This document describes a routing scenario where IPv4 packets are transported over an IPv6 network, based on the methods described in RFCs 6145 and 6052, along with a separate OSPFv3 routing table for IPv4-embedded IPv6 routes in the IPv6 network.
RFC6991 - Common YANG Data Types
This document introduces a collection of common data types to be used with the YANG data modeling language. This document obsoletes RFC 6021.
RFC6990 - RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) Block for MPEG-2 Transport Stream (TS) Program Specific Information (PSI) Independent Decodability Statistics Metrics Reporting
An MPEG-2 Transport Stream (TS) is a standard container format used in the transmission and storage of multimedia data. Unicast/ multicast MPEG-2 TS over RTP is widely deployed in IPTV systems. This document defines an RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Extended Report (XR) block that allows the reporting of MPEG-2 TS decodability statistics metrics related to transmissions of MPEG-2 TS over RTP. The metrics specified in the RTCP XR block are not dependent on Program Specific Information (PSI) carried in MPEG-2 TS.
RFC6989 - Additional Diffie-Hellman Tests for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2)
This document adds a small number of mandatory tests required for the secure operation of the Internet Key Exchange Protocol version 2 (IKEv2) with elliptic curve groups. No change is required to IKE implementations that use modular exponential groups, other than a few rarely used so-called Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) groups. This document updates the IKEv2 protocol, RFC 5996.
RFC6988 - Requirements for Energy Management
This document defines requirements for standards specifications for Energy Management. The requirements defined in this document are concerned with monitoring functions as well as control functions. Monitoring functions include identifying energy-managed devices and their components, as well as monitoring their Power States, Power Inlets, Power Outlets, actual power, Power Attributes, received energy, provided energy, and contained batteries. Control functions include such functions as controlling power supply and Power State of energy-managed devices and their components.
RFC6987 - OSPF Stub Router Advertisement
This document describes a backward-compatible technique that may be used by OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) implementations to advertise a router's unavailability to forward transit traffic or to lower the preference level for the paths through such a router.
RFC6986 - GOST R 34.11-2012: Hash Function
This document is intended to be a source of information about the Russian Federal standard hash function (GOST R 34.11-2012), which is one of the Russian cryptographic standard algorithms (called GOST algorithms). This document updates RFC 5831.
RFC6985 - IMIX Genome: Specification of Variable Packet Sizes for Additional Testing
Benchmarking methodologies have always relied on test conditions with constant packet sizes, with the goal of understanding what network device capability has been tested. Tests with a constant packet size reveal device capabilities but differ significantly from the conditions encountered in operational deployment, so additional tests are sometimes conducted with a mixture of packet sizes, or "IMIX" ("Internet Mix"). The mixture of sizes a networking device will encounter is highly variable and depends on many factors. An IMIX suited for one networking device and deployment will not be appropriate for another. However, the mix of sizes may be known, and the tester may be asked to augment the fixed-size tests. To address this need and the perpetual goal of specifying repeatable test conditions, this document defines a way to specify the exact repeating sequence of packet sizes from the usual set of fixed sizes and from other forms of mixed-size specification.
RFC6984 - Interoperability Report for Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES)
This document captures the results of the second Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) interoperability test that took place on February 24-25, 2011, in the Internet Technology Lab (ITL) at Zhejiang Gongshang University, China. The results of the first ForCES interoperability test were reported in RFC 6053, and this document updates RFC 6053 by providing further interoperability results.
RFC6983 - Models for HTTP-Adaptive-Streaming-Aware Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI)
This document presents thoughts on the potential impact of supporting HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) technologies in Content Distribution Network Interconnection (CDNI) scenarios. The intent is to present the authors' analysis of the CDNI-HAS problem space and discuss different options put forward by the authors (and by others during informal discussions) on how to deal with HAS in the context of CDNI. This document has been used as input information during the CDNI working group process for making a decision regarding support for HAS.
RFC6982 - Improving Awareness of Running Code: The Implementation Status Section
This document describes a simple process that allows authors of Internet-Drafts to record the status of known implementations by including an Implementation Status section. This will allow reviewers and working groups to assign due consideration to documents that have the benefit of running code, which may serve as evidence of valuable experimentation and feedback that have made the implemented protocols more mature.
RFC6981 - A Framework for IP and MPLS Fast Reroute Using Not-Via Addresses
This document presents an illustrative framework for providing fast reroute in an IP or MPLS network through encapsulation and forwarding to "not-via" addresses. The general approach described here uses a single level of encapsulation and could be used to protect unicast, multicast, and LDP traffic against link, router, and shared risk group failure, regardless of network topology and metrics.
RFC6980 - Security Implications of IPv6 Fragmentation with IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
This document analyzes the security implications of employing IPv6 fragmentation with Neighbor Discovery (ND) messages. It updates RFC 4861 such that use of the IPv6 Fragmentation Header is forbidden in all Neighbor Discovery messages, thus allowing for simple and effective countermeasures for Neighbor Discovery attacks. Finally, it discusses the security implications of using IPv6 fragmentation with SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) and formally updates RFC 3971 to provide advice regarding how the aforementioned security implications can be mitigated.
RFC6979 - Deterministic Usage of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
This document defines a deterministic digital signature generation procedure. Such signatures are compatible with standard Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) and Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) digital signatures and can be processed with unmodified verifiers, which need not be aware of the procedure described therein. Deterministic signatures retain the cryptographic security features associated with digital signatures but can be more easily implemented in various environments, since they do not need access to a source of high-quality randomness.
RFC6978 - A TCP Authentication Option Extension for NAT Traversal
This document describes an extension to the TCP Authentication Option (TCP-AO) to support its use over connections that pass through Network Address Translators and/or Network Address and Port Translators (NATs/NAPTs). This extension changes the data used to compute traffic keys, but it does not alter TCP-AO's packet processing or key generation algorithms.
RFC6977 - Triggering DHCPv6 Reconfiguration from Relay Agents
This document defines two new DHCPv6 messages: Reconfigure-Request and Reconfigure-Reply. The Reconfigure-Request message is sent by a DHCPv6 relay agent to notify a DHCPv6 server about a configuration information change, so that the DHCPv6 server can send a Reconfigure message accordingly. The Reconfigure-Reply message is used by the server to acknowledge the receipt of the Reconfigure-Request message.
RFC6976 - Framework for Loop-Free Convergence Using the Ordered Forwarding Information Base (oFIB) Approach
This document describes an illustrative framework of a mechanism for use in conjunction with link-state routing protocols that prevents the transient loops that would otherwise occur during topology changes. It does this by correctly sequencing the forwarding information base (FIB) updates on the routers.
RFC6975 - Signaling Cryptographic Algorithm Understanding in DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC)
The DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) were developed to provide origin authentication and integrity protection for DNS data by using digital signatures. These digital signatures can be generated using different algorithms. This document specifies a way for validating end-system resolvers to signal to a server which digital signature and hash algorithms they support. The extensions allow the signaling of new algorithm uptake in client code to allow zone administrators to know when it is possible to complete an algorithm rollover in a DNSSEC-signed zone.
RFC6974 - Applicability of MPLS Transport Profile for Ring Topologies
This document presents an applicability of existing MPLS protection mechanisms, both local and end-to-end, to the MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) in ring topologies. This document does not propose any new mechanisms or protocols. Requirements for MPLS-TP protection especially for protection in ring topologies are discussed in "Requirements of an MPLS Transport Profile" (RFC 5654) and "MPLS Transport Profile (MPLS-TP) Survivability Framework" (RFC 6372). This document discusses how most of the requirements are met by applying linear protection as defined in RFC 6378 in a ring topology.