RFC Abstracts

RFC6922 - The application/sql Media Type
This document registers the application/sql media type to be used for the Structured Query Language (SQL).
RFC6921 - Design Considerations for Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Communication
We are approaching the time when we will be able to communicate faster than the speed of light. It is well known that as we approach the speed of light, time slows down. Logically, it is reasonable to assume that as we go faster than the speed of light, time will reverse. The major consequence of this for Internet protocols is that packets will arrive before they are sent. This will have a major impact on the way we design Internet protocols. This paper outlines some of the issues and suggests some directions for additional analysis of these issues.
RFC6920 - Naming Things with Hashes
This document defines a set of ways to identify a thing (a digital object in this case) using the output from a hash function. It specifies a new URI scheme for this purpose, a way to map these to HTTP URLs, and binary and human-speakable formats for these names. The various formats are designed to support, but not require, a strong link to the referenced object, such that the referenced object may be authenticated to the same degree as the reference to it. The reason for this work is to standardise current uses of hash outputs in URLs and to support new information-centric applications and other uses of hash outputs in protocols.
RFC6919 - Further Key Words for Use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels
RFC 2119 defines a standard set of key words for describing requirements of a specification. Many IETF documents have found that these words cannot accurately capture the nuanced requirements of their specification. This document defines additional key words that can be used to address alternative requirements scenarios. Authors who follow these guidelines should incorporate this phrase near the beginning of their document:
RFC6918 - Formally Deprecating Some ICMPv4 Message Types
A number of ICMPv4 message types have become obsolete in practice, but have never been formally deprecated. This document deprecates such ICMPv4 message types, thus cleaning up the corresponding IANA registry. Additionally, it updates RFC 792 and RFC 950, obsoletes RFC 1788, and requests the RFC Editor to change the status of RFC 1788 to Historic.
RFC6917 - Media Resource Brokering
The MediaCtrl working group in the IETF has proposed an architecture for controlling media services. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is used as the signaling protocol that provides many inherent capabilities for message routing. In addition to such signaling properties, a need exists for intelligent, application-level media service selection based on non-static signaling properties. This is especially true when considered in conjunction with deployment architectures that include 1:M and M:N combinations of Application Servers and Media Servers. This document introduces a Media Resource Broker (MRB) entity, which manages the availability of Media Servers and the media resource demands of Application Servers. The document includes potential deployment options for an MRB and appropriate interfaces to Application Servers and Media Servers.
RFC6916 - Algorithm Agility Procedure for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)
This document specifies the process that Certification Authorities (CAs) and Relying Parties (RPs) participating in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) will need to follow to transition to a new (and probably cryptographically stronger) algorithm set. The process is expected to be completed over a timescale of several years. Consequently, no emergency transition is specified. The transition procedure defined in this document supports only a top-down migration (parent migrates before children).
RFC6915 - Flow Identity Extension for HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD)
RFC 6155 specifies an extension for the HTTP-Enabled Location Delivery (HELD) protocol, allowing the use of an IP address and port number to request a Device location based on an individual packet flow.
RFC6914 - SIMPLE Made Simple: An Overview of the IETF Specifications for Instant Messaging and Presence Using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The IETF has produced many specifications related to Presence and Instant Messaging with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Collectively, these specifications are known as SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging Extensions (SIMPLE). This document serves as a guide to the SIMPLE suite of specifications. It categorizes the specifications, explains what each is for, and how they relate to each other.
RFC6913 - Indicating Fax over IP Capability in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
This document defines and registers with IANA the new "fax" media feature tag for use with the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Currently, fax calls are indistinguishable from voice calls at call initiation. Consequently, fax calls can be routed to SIP user agents that are not fax capable. A "fax" media feature tag implemented in conjunction with caller preferences allows for more accurate fax call routing.
RFC6912 - Principles for Unicode Code Point Inclusion in Labels in the DNS
Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) makes available to DNS zone administrators a very wide range of Unicode code points. Most operators of zones should probably not permit registration of U-labels using the entire range. This is especially true of zones that accept registrations across organizational boundaries, such as top-level domains and, most importantly, the root. It is unfortunately not possible to generate algorithms to determine whether permitting a code point presents a low risk. This memo presents a set of principles that can be used to guide the decision of whether a Unicode code point may be wisely included in the repertoire of permissible code points in a U-label in a zone.
RFC6911 - RADIUS Attributes for IPv6 Access Networks
This document specifies additional IPv6 RADIUS Attributes useful in residential broadband network deployments. The Attributes, which are used for authorization and accounting, enable assignment of a host IPv6 address and an IPv6 DNS server address via DHCPv6, assignment of an IPv6 route announced via router advertisement, assignment of a named IPv6 delegated prefix pool, and assignment of a named IPv6 pool for host DHCPv6 addressing.
RFC6910 - Completion of Calls for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
The "completion of calls" feature defined in this specification allows the caller of a failed call to be notified when the callee becomes available to receive a call.
RFC6909 - IPv4 Traffic Offload Selector Option for Proxy Mobile IPv6
This specification defines a new mobility option, the IPv4 Traffic Offload Selector option, for Proxy Mobile IPv6. This option can be used by the local mobility anchor and the mobile access gateway for negotiating IPv4 traffic offload policy for a mobility session. Based on the negotiated IPv4 traffic offload policy, a mobile access gateway can selectively offload some of the IPv4 traffic flows in the access network instead of tunneling back to the local mobility anchor in the home network.
RFC6908 - Deployment Considerations for Dual-Stack Lite
This document discusses the deployment issues of and the requirements for the deployment and operation of Dual-Stack Lite (DS-Lite). This document describes the various deployment considerations and applicability of the DS-Lite architecture.
RFC6907 - Use Cases and Interpretations of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Objects for Issuers and Relying Parties
This document describes a number of use cases together with directions and interpretations for organizations and relying parties when creating or encountering Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) object scenarios in the public RPKI. All of these items are discussed here in relation to the Internet routing system.
RFC6906 - The 'profile' Link Relation Type
This specification defines the 'profile' link relation type that allows resource representations to indicate that they are following one or more profiles. A profile is defined not to alter the semantics of the resource representation itself, but to allow clients to learn about additional semantics (constraints, conventions, extensions) that are associated with the resource representation, in addition to those defined by the media type and possibly other mechanisms.
RFC6905 - Requirements for Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) in Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL)
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) is a general term used to identify functions and toolsets to troubleshoot and monitor networks. This document presents OAM requirements applicable to the Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL).
RFC6904 - Encryption of Header Extensions in the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)
The Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) provides authentication, but not encryption, of the headers of Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets. However, RTP header extensions may carry sensitive information for which participants in multimedia sessions want confidentiality. This document provides a mechanism, extending the mechanisms of SRTP, to selectively encrypt RTP header extensions in SRTP.
RFC6903 - Additional Link Relation Types
This specification defines a number of additional link relation types that can used for a range of purposes in a variety of applications types.
RFC6902 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch
JSON Patch defines a JSON document structure for expressing a sequence of operations to apply to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document; it is suitable for use with the HTTP PATCH method. The "application/json-patch+json" media type is used to identify such patch documents.
RFC6901 - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer
JSON Pointer defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document.
RFC6898 - Link Management Protocol Behavior Negotiation and Configuration Modifications
The Link Management Protocol (LMP) is used to coordinate the properties, use, and faults of data links in networks controlled by Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching (GMPLS). This document defines an extension to LMP to negotiate capabilities and indicate support for LMP extensions. The defined extension is compatible with non-supporting implementations.
RFC6897 - Multipath TCP (MPTCP) Application Interface Considerations
Multipath TCP (MPTCP) adds the capability of using multiple paths to a regular TCP session. Even though it is designed to be totally backward compatible to applications, the data transport differs compared to regular TCP, and there are several additional degrees of freedom that applications may wish to exploit. This document summarizes the impact that MPTCP may have on applications, such as changes in performance. Furthermore, it discusses compatibility issues of MPTCP in combination with non-MPTCP-aware applications. Finally, the document describes a basic application interface that is a simple extension of TCP's interface for MPTCP-aware applications.
RFC6896 - SCS: KoanLogic's Secure Cookie Sessions for HTTP
This memo defines a generic URI and HTTP-header-friendly envelope for carrying symmetrically encrypted, authenticated, and origin-timestamped tokens. It also describes one possible usage of such tokens via a simple protocol based on HTTP cookies.
RFC6895 - Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations
This document specifies Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) parameter assignment considerations for the allocation of Domain Name System (DNS) resource record types, CLASSes, operation codes, error codes, DNS protocol message header bits, and AFSDB resource record subtypes. It obsoletes RFC 6195 and updates RFCs 1183, 2845, 2930, and 3597.
RFC6894 - Methodology for Benchmarking MPLS Traffic Engineered (MPLS-TE) Fast Reroute Protection
This document describes the methodology for benchmarking MPLS Fast Reroute (FRR) protection mechanisms for link and node protection. This document provides test methodologies and testbed setup for measuring failover times of Fast Reroute techniques while considering factors (such as underlying links) that might impact recovery times for real-time applications bound to MPLS Traffic Engineered (MPLS-TE) tunnels.
RFC6893 - A Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF)
This document describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace for the Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) for naming persistent resources defined within OIPF specifications. Example resources include technical documents and specifications, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) schemas, classification schemes, XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs), namespaces, style sheets, media assets, and other types of resources produced or managed by the OIPF.
RFC6892 - The 'describes' Link Relation Type
This specification defines the 'describes' link relation type that allows resource representations to indicate that they are describing another resource. In contexts where applications want to associate described resources and description resources, and want to build services based on these associations, the 'describes' link relation type provides the opposite direction of the 'describedby' link relation type, which already is a registered link relation type.
RFC6891 - Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS(0))
The Domain Name System's wire protocol includes a number of fixed fields whose range has been or soon will be exhausted and does not allow requestors to advertise their capabilities to responders. This document describes backward-compatible mechanisms for allowing the protocol to grow.
RFC6890 - Special-Purpose IP Address Registries
This memo reiterates the assignment of an IPv4 address block ( to IANA. It also instructs IANA to restructure its IPv4 and IPv6 Special-Purpose Address Registries. Upon restructuring, the aforementioned registries will record all special-purpose address blocks, maintaining a common set of information regarding each address block.
RFC6889 - Analysis of Stateful 64 Translation
Due to specific problems, Network Address Translation - Protocol Translation (NAT-PT) was deprecated by the IETF as a mechanism to perform IPv6-IPv4 translation. Since then, new efforts have been undertaken within IETF to standardize alternative mechanisms to perform IPv6-IPv4 translation. This document analyzes to what extent the new stateful translation mechanisms avoid the problems that caused the IETF to deprecate NAT-PT.
RFC6888 - Common Requirements for Carrier-Grade NATs (CGNs)
This document defines common requirements for Carrier-Grade NATs (CGNs). It updates RFC 4787.
RFC6887 - Port Control Protocol (PCP)
The Port Control Protocol allows an IPv6 or IPv4 host to control how incoming IPv6 or IPv4 packets are translated and forwarded by a Network Address Translator (NAT) or simple firewall, and also allows a host to optimize its outgoing NAT keepalive messages.
RFC6886 - NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP)
This document describes a protocol for automating the process of creating Network Address Translation (NAT) port mappings. Included in the protocol is a method for retrieving the external IPv4 address of a NAT gateway, thus allowing a client to make its external IPv4 address and port known to peers that may wish to communicate with it. From 2005 onwards, this protocol was implemented in Apple products including Mac OS X, Bonjour for Windows, and AirPort wireless base stations. In 2013, NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) was superseded by the IETF Standards Track RFC "Port Control Protocol (PCP)", which builds on NAT-PMP and uses a compatible packet format, but adds a number of significant enhancements.
RFC6885 - Stringprep Revision and Problem Statement for the Preparation and Comparison of Internationalized Strings (PRECIS)
If a protocol expects to compare two strings and is prepared only for those strings to be ASCII, then using Unicode code points in those strings requires they be prepared somehow. Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (here called IDNA2003) defined and used Stringprep and Nameprep. Other protocols subsequently defined Stringprep profiles. A new approach different from Stringprep and Nameprep is used for a revision of IDNA2003 (called IDNA2008). Other Stringprep profiles need to be similarly updated, or a replacement of Stringprep needs to be designed. This document outlines the issues to be faced by those designing a Stringprep replacement.
RFC6884 - RTP Payload Format for the Enhanced Variable Rate Narrowband-Wideband Codec (EVRC-NW)
This document specifies Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) payload formats to be used for the Enhanced Variable Rate Narrowband-Wideband Codec (EVRC-NW). Three media type registrations are included for EVRC-NW RTP payload formats. In addition, a file format is specified for transport of EVRC-NW speech data in storage mode applications such as email.
RFC6883 - IPv6 Guidance for Internet Content Providers and Application Service Providers
This document provides guidance and suggestions for Internet Content Providers and Application Service Providers who wish to offer their service to both IPv6 and IPv4 customers. Many of the points will also apply to hosting providers or to any enterprise network preparing for IPv6 users.
RFC6882 - Support for Resource Reservation Protocol Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) in Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks (L3VPNs)
IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) provide connectivity between sites across an IP/MPLS backbone. These VPNs can be operated using BGP/MPLS, and a single Provider Edge (PE) node may provide access to multiple customer sites belonging to different VPNs.
RFC6881 - Best Current Practice for Communications Services in Support of Emergency Calling
The IETF and other standards organizations have efforts targeted at standardizing various aspects of placing emergency calls on IP networks. This memo describes best current practice on how devices, networks, and services using IETF protocols should use such standards to make emergency calls.
RFC6880 - An Information Model for Kerberos Version 5
This document describes an information model for Kerberos version 5 from the point of view of an administrative service. There is no standard for administrating a Kerberos 5 Key Distribution Center (KDC). This document describes the services exposed by an administrative interface to a KDC.
RFC6879 - IPv6 Enterprise Network Renumbering Scenarios, Considerations, and Methods
This document analyzes events that cause renumbering and describes the current renumbering methods. These are described in three categories: those applicable during network design, those applicable during preparation for renumbering, and those applicable during the renumbering operation.
RFC6878 - IANA Registry for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Priority" Header Field
This document defines a new IANA registry to keep track of the values defined for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) "Priority" header field. It updates RFC 3261.
RFC6877 - 464XLAT: Combination of Stateful and Stateless Translation
This document describes an architecture (464XLAT) for providing limited IPv4 connectivity across an IPv6-only network by combining existing and well-known stateful protocol translation (as described in RFC 6146) in the core and stateless protocol translation (as described in RFC 6145) at the edge. 464XLAT is a simple and scalable technique to quickly deploy limited IPv4 access service to IPv6-only edge networks without encapsulation.
RFC6876 - A Posture Transport Protocol over TLS (PT-TLS)
This document specifies PT-TLS, a TLS-based Posture Transport (PT) protocol. The PT-TLS protocol carries the Network Endpoint Assessment (NEA) message exchange under the protection of a Transport Layer Security (TLS) secured tunnel.
RFC6875 - The P2P Network Experiment Council's Activities and Experiments with Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) in Japan
This document describes experiments that clarify how an approach similar to Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) was effective in reducing network traffic. These experiments were performed in Japan by the P2P Network Experiment Council in an attempt to harmonize peer-to-peer (P2P) technology with network infrastructure. Based on what was learned from these experiments, this document provides some suggestions that might be useful for the ALTO architecture and especially for application-independent ALTO- like server operation.
RFC6874 - Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers
This document describes how the zone identifier of an IPv6 scoped address, defined as <zone_id> in the IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture (RFC 4007), can be represented in a literal IPv6 address and in a Uniform Resource Identifier that includes such a literal address. It updates the URI Generic Syntax specification (RFC 3986) accordingly.
RFC6873 - Format for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Common Log Format (CLF)
The SIPCLF working group has defined a Common Log Format (CLF) framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) servers. This CLF mimics the successful event logging format found in well-known web servers like Apache and web proxies like Squid. This document proposes an indexed text encoding format for the SIP CLF that retains the key advantages of a text-based format while significantly increasing processing performance over a purely text-based implementation. This file format adheres to the SIP CLF information model and provides an effective encoding scheme for all mandatory and optional fields that appear in a SIP CLF record.
RFC6872 - The Common Log Format (CLF) for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Framework and Information Model
Well-known web servers such as Apache and web proxies like Squid support event logging using a common log format. The logs produced using these de facto standard formats are invaluable to system administrators for troubleshooting a server and tool writers to craft tools that mine the log files and produce reports and trends. Furthermore, these log files can also be used to train anomaly detection systems and feed events into a security event management system. The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) does not have a common log format, and, as a result, each server supports a distinct log format that makes it unnecessarily complex to produce tools to do trend analysis and security detection. This document describes a framework, including requirements and analysis of existing approaches, and specifies an information model for development of a SIP common log file format that can be used uniformly by user agents, proxies, registrars, and redirect servers as well as back-to-back user agents.
RFC6871 - Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Capabilities Negotiation
Session Description Protocol (SDP) capability negotiation provides a general framework for indicating and negotiating capabilities in SDP. The base framework defines only capabilities for negotiating transport protocols and attributes. This documents extends the framework by defining media capabilities that can be used to negotiate media types and their associated parameters.